Memorandum of Understanding
on scientific cooperation
The College of Water conservaney and Hydropower Engineering, Sichuan
Agriculture University, China
Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR),
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
The College of Water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Sichuan Agricultural University, China, and Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, join in the following agreement for academiccooperation in order to promote the advancement of learning through research.
Article I- Modes of Cooperation
The objective of this agreement is to enhance, encourage, and formalize scholarly andscientific interaction between the institutions through the promotion of exchangeopportunities for academic staff, professional staff and students and through the encouragement of cooperative activities.
The envisaged modes of cooperation will include some or all of the following:
- Exchanging students, faculty and staff.
- Organizing joint lectures and seminars.
- Organizing joint research projects.
- Facilitating assisting and developing other academic activities that may be of joint interest.
A detailed description of the scope of cooperation shall be defined in separate Activity Agreements for implementation (such as Research or Student Exchange Agreements).
Activity Agreements will include such terms as:
1. Elaboration of the responsibilies of each institution for the agreed upon activity.
2. Schedules for the specific activity.
3. Budgets and sources of financing for each activity.
4. Any other items deemed neessary for the eficnt management of the activity.
Realiation of the above objetives will be based on individual iteratives from academic departments, staff members and students, or may be initiated by Institution authorities.
Article Il- Conditions
Implementation of all aspeets of this agreement will be dependent upon availability of funding. Wherever possible, funding will be sought from third-party sources.
Costs of transportation and subsistence for visiting faculty, students and staff willnormally be the responsibility of the university sending the visitors or of the visitorsthemselves
Article IlI -Authorizes Representatives and Project Coordinators
Each university has designated an authorized representative of the Rector/Provost:
- behalf of The College of Water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Sichuan Agriculture University
- On behalf of Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Some cooperative activities as described in Article 1 shall be realized within joint projects. The faculties or departments responsible for these projects shall each designate a project coordinator for this purpose.
In particular, the project coordinators are responsible for.
- Preparation and realization of detailed itineraries,
- Coordination with other faculties,
- Arrangement for access to university facilities necessary for the performance of the project, including special archives, libraries, work-space and computer facilities.
- Cooperation with the Study Abroad Office, concerning term of exchange programs
Article IV - Duration, Termination, Modification
This agreement shall be valid from the date that is signed by both parties and be validfor the duration of five (5) years from that date, and is renewable thereafter for five-year terms subject to mutual consent. The activities of the program will be reviewedperiodically to determine the need for modifications. Modification to this agreementmay be made only by written agreement between the parties.
This MOU may be terminated by either party by written notice at least 6 (six) monthsin advance. In case the MOU ceases o be in eflet, this shall not aflt the completionof existing activities as agreed upon in any Activity Agreements.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have offered their signatures: