

Postgraduate Party Branch Management Measures


Measures for the administration of graduate Party branches

In order to further strengthen the construction of graduate Party branches and give full play to the fighting fortress role of graduate Party branches, these measures are formulated in accordance with the spirit of documents such as the measures for the administration of organizational work and the measures for the administration of graduate head teachers.

1、Party branch setting

1.In principle, doctoral party members shall be included in the management of the teaching and work branch of the training unit.

2.One party branch is set up in each small class of graduate students. The head teacher of graduate students also serves as the Secretary of the Party branch, and the graduate students with excellent character and learning serve as the Deputy Secretary of the Party branch.

3.If there are more than 3 party members in the Institute without a small class for postgraduates, a party branch shall be established, and the Party committee of the Institute shall select excellent teachers to serve as the Secretary of the branch; If there are less than 3 party members, they shall be included in the undergraduate branch of the training unit for unified management。

4.Part time graduate students who leave their posts for study and whose organizational relationship is transferred to the Party committee of the Institute they belong to shall be included in the management of the graduate branch; If the organizational relationship is not transferred in, it will not be included in the branch management.

2、Responsibilities of Party branch

1. Publicize and implement the party's line, principles and policies and the resolutions of superior party organizations, give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, unite excellent student party members and class members, and promote class progress.

2. Organize student party members to participate in class (grade) affairs management, support, guide and help Party branches carry out party building activities according to discipline characteristics.

3. Train the activists of joining the party among the educational postgraduates and recruit student party members according to the standards and procedures.

4. Strengthen the education, management, supervision and service of student party members, and regularly hold organizational life meetings.

5. Listen to students' opinions and suggestions, master students' ideological trends, and do a targeted job in Ideological and political education.

6. Complete other tasks assigned by the superior party organization, and do a good job in the education and management of Party members according to the requirements of the school.

3、Assessment management

(1)Assessment object

Party branch and its secretary

(2)Assessment method

The Party committee of the Institute shall determine the assessment method by itself.

(3)Assessment content

The implementation of the party building work, the implementation of the resolutions of the higher Party organizations, the implementation of the "two learning and one doing" learning and education, and closely combined with the actual situation, carry out various learning and education activities to promote the study style and class style with Party building.


These Measures shall be implemented from the date of promulgation. If there are new regulations at the higher level, they shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations, and the graduate work department of the Party committee shall be responsible for the interpretation.

Committee of SICAU of the Communist Party of China graduate school

Graduate work department
